Takara Sakai - Personal Home Page






Contact address

Research Interests

Preprints/Working papers

  1. 酒井 高良, 高山 雄貴:
    需要主導型の輸送ネットワーク形成:Hub and Spoke構造の創発
    2024, https://doi.org/10.51094/jxiv.749
  2. Sakai Takara, Koki Satsukawa and Takashi Akamatsu, 2022.
    Non-existence of queues for system optimal departure patterns in tree networks


  1. Sakai Takara, Takashi Akamatsu and Koki Satsukawa, 2024.
    Queue replacement principle for corridor problems with heterogeneous commuters
    Transportation Research Part B: Methodological
    (preprint version arXiv)
  2. Sakai Takara, Takashi Akamatsu and Koki Satsukawa, 2024.
    A Paradox of Telecommuting and Staggered Work Hours in the Bottleneck Model
    Transportation Science
    (preprint version arXiv)
  3. 酒井 高良, 涌井 優尚, 赤松 隆, 2023.
    土木学会論文集, Vol.79, No.4.
    (preprint version Jxiv)
  4. 涌井 優尚, 酒井 高良, 赤松 隆, 2023.
    土木学会論文集, Vol.79, No.4.
    (preprint version Jxiv)
  5. 酒井 高良, 赤松 隆, 佐津川 功季, 2021
    土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), Vol.77, No.4, pp.330-345.
  6. Akamatsu Takashi, Takeshi Nagae, Minoru Osawa, Koki Satsukawa, Takara Sakai and Daijiro Mizutani, 2021.
    Model-based analysis on social acceptability and feasibility of a focused protection strategy against the COVID-19 pandemic
    Scientific Reports 11, 2003.
    (preprint version MedRxiv )
  7. 酒井 高良, 赤松 隆, 2019
    首都圏高速道路網における渋滞パターンとMacroscopic Fundamental Diagramの安定性
    土木学会論文集D3(土木計画学), Vol.75, No.2, pp.97-108.

Presentations (International Conference)

  1. Sakai Takara, Takashi Akamatsu and Koki Satsukawa.
    A Paradox of Telecommuting and Staggered Work Hours in the Bottleneck Model
    The 25th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2024.07.15-17.
  2. Takara Sakai
    A Paradox of Telecommuting and Staggered Work Hours in the Bottleneck Model
    International seminar @Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China 2024.03.28
  3. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa:
    Welfare impacts of remote and flexible working policies in the bottleneck model
    11th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation @ETH Zurich 2023.09.08
  4. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa:
    Queue replacement principle for corridor problems with heterogeneous commuters
    9th International Symposium on Dynamic Traffic Assignment @Northwestern University 2023.07.11
  5. 酒井 高良, 涌井 優尚, 赤松 隆:
    第36回ARSC研究発表大会 @山梨大学 2022.12.17
  6. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu, Koki Satsukawa:
    Departure time choice problems in a corridor network with heterogeneous value of schedule delay
    The 25th HKSTS International Conference @online 2021.12.10
  7. Takara Sakai, Takashi Akamatsu:
    Spatio-Temporal Regularities of Traffic Congestion Patterns in the Metropolitan Expressway Network
    The 5th CWRU-Tohoku Joint Workshop @Tohoku University 2018.08.02


  1. 車両間の情報共有と戦略共有を表現・操作可能な交通ネットワーク均衡モデルの開発
    科学研究費補助金 (研究活動スタート支援,課題番号:24K22973), 2024.08-2026.03
  2. 時空間スケールの異なる通勤渋滞緩和施策の相補的・相反的効果
    大林財団(研究助成), 2024.04-2025.03
  3. 都市高速道路網における渋滞パターン情報を活用した交通制御:渋滞をもって渋滞を制す
    科学研究費補助金 (特別研究員奨励費,課題番号:20J21744), 2020.04-2023.03